A Guide to Life Insurance for Small Business Owners
In this post, we explain how small business owners use life insurance.
Explore our expert-written and reviewed articles to better understand life insurance and why you may need it. If you’re ready to protect your loved ones, get a free quote today.
In this post, we explain how small business owners use life insurance.
Ever wonder what happens to student loan debt if the borrower passes away? Here we answer this question and explain how life insurance can protect co-signers.
The underwriting process is what determines if you can be approved for life insurance coverage, how much coverage you can own, and how much you will have to pay. Here we dig deeper into this important process.
In this post, we discuss how life insurance can be used to fund buy-sell agreements to help small business owners.
In this post, we explain what key person life insurance is and why it’s important for a business.
The life insurance rule of thumb is to get enough to cover ten times your annual salary, but this isn’t the correct number for everyone. In this guide, we’ll help you determine how much life insurance you need.
Typically one buys life insurance on themselves, but you can also buy life insurance on a loved one or another key person. Learn what the restrictions are and what life insurance companies look for when underwriting a policy.
In this post, we discuss how life insurance death benefit payouts are paid and how to file a life insurance claim.
Life insurance isn’t “set it and forget it.” Here are seven events in which you should review your policy to ensure the coverage is still adequate and that the designated beneficiaries are up-to-date.
In this post, learn how to prepare for your life insurance medical exam to get the best results.
Does your job offer group and voluntary life insurance? Here we explain if you should take advantage of these options.
Did you know that your driving record can affect what you pay for life insurance? If your driving history is less than satisfactory, you may pay higher life insurance rates.
Making a mistake with your life insurance can hurt your loved ones you are trying to protect. We share eight common pitfalls when it comes to buying and maintaining your life insurance policy.
In this post, we discuss how your health impacts your life insurance rates.
In this post, we discuss why dads need life insurance and the options they have.